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Mark Phillips reports on the plight of the Kurds in Iraq after the Gulf War, as Saddam Hussein’s forces are committing genocide and the USA and Britain are refusing to intervene militarily. Journalists...
Mark Phillips interviews Sharon Crossley from South Ronaldsay Parents Action Committee on the Orkney child abuse case being thrown out of court, local reactions, and recommendations children now be returned...
Mark Phillips reports from London Zoo on the rising costs of running it and threats of closure. Includes comment from Zoo Director David Jones and Will Travers of Zoocheck.
Mark Phillips interviews Kurd Dr Shafiq Qazzaz on how the hunger strike at the US Embassy is going after 9 days and why they want the USA and President George H W Bush to do more in Iraq over the treatment...
Mark Phillips reports on the launch of a campaign by the Princess Royal, Princess Anne (speech excerpt heard) to crack youth crime as crime prevention week continues and a survey revealed young men commit a...
Mark Phillips reports on the Townswomen’s Guilds conference in central London about drug and alcohol addiction. Includes interviews with Action on Addiction’s Dr John Strang; Eric Appleby, Alcohol...
Report on an explosion in a West London home, in which the strangled body of a woman was found. Detective Superintendent Chris Burke discusses the investigation and a local resident comments on the...
Mark Phillips interviews British Rail project co-ordinator Tony Haworth about the proposed Crossrail project with London Underground which will involve building of a tunnel to ease congestion. Haworth admits...
Report on the Labour Party victory in the Liverpool, Walton by-election, overcoming the Militant Tendency. With reaction from Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock; Editor of Militant newspaper Peter Taaffe;...
Report from Westminster piazza in London on celebrities sleeping rough on the streets to raise awareness for London’s homeless and raise money for more hostels. Speaking are actor Jeremy Irons; TV...
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