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Interview with David Smith, co-author of a book about Zimbabwean leader, Robert Mugabe, about how the country is coping with independence and on former guerilla leader Mugabe as head of state. Male...
Co-author of a book on Robert Mugabe, Colin Simpson?, talks to Brian Hayes about the man and his life, beliefs and direction given by his wife Sally Mugabe and change from guerilla leader to head of state.
Extract from Conservative UK Prime Minister Harold Macmillan’s Wind of Change speech to the Joint Assembly of the Union Parliament of South Africa in Cape Town on 03/02/60, which signalled his...
Interview with Greek Cypriot community leader in London, George Eugeniou, about the unilateral declaration of independence asserted by the Turkish area of Cyprus and how this affects the Greek Cypriot...
Report on the violent history of the situation in Cyprus between the Turkish and Greeks, and Turkish bid for an independent state, prior to peace talks in New York. Includes interview with the President of...
Interview on the history of violence between the Greek and Turkish Cypriots and the divide between the two states in Cyprus with the President of the Turkish Cypriot State Rauf Denktas who has declared the...
Report on the Amal movement, which is leading the resistance in southern Lebanon, and prospects of Israeli withdrawal from the area. Includes interviews with journalist Mohamed Maltook(?); Ali al-Hosseini of...
Report on demonstrations in Tibet against Chinese rule, on the anniversary of the Chinese invasion. With an interview from the head of the exiled Tibetan Government in Britain, Top Ghel(?), who claims that...
Sue Jameson reports from Lithuania where tension is growing over fears of a military coup. The roads are blocked off around the Lithuanian Parliament and President Landsbergis has information that an air...
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