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  1. Republic of Frestonia (1977)


    Actor David Rappaport speaking on behalf of the republic of Frestonia, the name adopted by the residents of Freston Road, East London who have declared independence from the UK following plans by the local...

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  2. David Hughes on throwing placard at the Queen (1977)


    Interview with David Hughes the man who threw a protest placard at the Queen during her visit to Australia on her jubilee tour, he is calling for independence for Australia. Male interviewer not identified.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  3. Moluccan sieges in Holland (1977)

    News report

    Report on two sieges in Holland staged by radical South Moluccan Islanders to gain Dutch support in their fight to gain independence from Indonesia. Male reporter not identified.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Belize land claim (1978)


    1-2,000 square miles of land in Belize have been claimed by Guatemala. Prime Minister George Price talks about the territorial disputes. Male interviewer not identified.

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  5. O’Shaughnessy on Belize (1978)


    Interview with Hugh? O’Shaughnessy, on Belize. The UK Government wants independence for Belize (a British colony), which is disputing a land claim by neighbouring Guatemala. O’Shaughnessy is dismissive...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  6. Belize territorial dispute (1978)


    Unidentified British male interviewed on the land claims made of Belize by Guatemala. He also refers to the ongoing Falkland Islands territorial dispute. Female interviewer not identified.

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  7. End of racial segregation in Rhodesia (1978)

    News report; Speech

    Paul Iredale reports on the end of racial segregation in Rhodesia. Black people will be able to live in white areas and use white health services. Also looks at the American tour of government officials and...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  8. Rhodesian raids into Zambia (1978)

    News report

    Report by Alan Cowell on Rhodesian raids into Zambia. On the explosions that signalled the start of the raid, how correspondents were held at gunpoint, the wounded, the surprise element, Zambia bringing in...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  9. Rhodesian guerrilla camp (1978)


    Gary Burns interviews an unidentified male about his visit to a guerrilla training camp. Aspects covered include the dead bodies in the river, and whether the bodies had been prepared for the press; whether...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. Mr Smith goes to Washington (1978)

    Vox pop

    Peter Sharp conducts vox pop interviews on Ian Smith’s visit to Washington. They cover how he has opened US eyes to the problem, whether the talks have achieved anything, whether they are now putting more...

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11-20 of 57 results | Page 2 of 6
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