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Chrysler has announced massive job cuts in the UK. Labour MPs Doug Hoyle and George Park, Conservative MP Michael Heseltine, and MPs in Chrysler-employed areas Labour MP Norman Buchan and Les Huckfield all...
UK Home Secretary Merlyn Rees discusses the detention system in Northern Ireland. He claims the violence cannot be solved by detention, and unless the fighting grows to wartime proportions, detention is not...
Interview with Peter Shore MP, on the Government’s Buy British scheme. Interviewer not identified (poss. Ed Boyle).
Interview with Conservative leader and former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath on his decision to call for a Party leadership election. He talks about what he believes is best for the party and the country....
Interview with Clive Jenkins, General Secretary of the Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs (ASTMS), about who to blame for the results in the recent UK referendum which saw Britain...
Press statement and interview by/with Conservative leadership candidate Margaret Thatcher about her success in the first ballot and how she thinks the rest of the campaign will go. Also includes statement by...
Unidentified male MP(?) (poss. Humphry Berkeley) speaks of the Conservative Party being in a state of flux, and Tory MPs being confused in the face of a leadership ballot. He discusses the inadequacies of...
After his resignation from the Labour Party, Lord George Brown discusses the future of the Labour Party with Ed Boyle and admits he does not know where it can go from here. He agrees there is a future, but...
Ed Boyle reports on the resignation of Jeremy Thorpe, Liberal leader amid press speculation over his alleged homosexual relationship with the former model Norman Scott. The speakers include: David Steel,...
Ed Boyle reports on Lord Salmon’s Royal Commission on public corruption and its recommendations. Includes interviews with member of the committee Margaret Ward-Jackson and Lord Cyril Salmon speaking on...
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