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Interview with James Anderton, Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police, on his call for mass fingerprinting and ID cards in a bid to stem the tide of rising crime within the UK. Discusses civil liberty...
Interview on the trial of dissident Dr Yuri Orlov in Moscow and nature of Soviet regime and dissident movement. Interviewer and interviewee not identified.
Peter Allen interviews John Macdonald, his barrister who was banned from his trial, on the decision of a Russian court to sentence dissident Dr Yuri Orlov to seven years hard labour; unfairness of trial...
Report by Oliver Wales(?) from Moscow on scenes in court as Soviet dissident Yuri Orlov was sentenced.
Interview with Greville Janner MP on the trial of dissident Yuri Orlov in Moscow; the decision of the Soviet authorities to prevent John MacDonald from acting as his barrister in the case and civil and...
Brian Hayes interviews Jill Craigie, historian and film director, on 50 years of womenâs rights since achieving the right to vote, goals for the future and the portrayal of women in the press, alongside...
The Reverend Paul Oestreicher of Amnesty International talks about the organisation’s report on political repression and police brutality in South Africa. The South African Embassy does not accept the...
Roland Moyle, Minister for Health, on the prospect of a centralised register of child abusers. Male interviewer not identified.
Interview with Patricia Hewitt, National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL), on the employment of a computer called the Thames Valley Notebook, used by Thames Valley Police. Male interviewer not identified....
Interview with an Amnesty International spokesman about political repression in China. Male speaker and interviewer not identified.
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