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Tebello Motapanyane, leader of the banned South Africa student movement, on government repression in the country. Male interviewer not identified (poss. Vivian White).
Paul Woodley reports on the detention in South Africa of all leading so-called black sympathisers (19/10/77). Includes interviews with Brian Molt, assistant editor of black newspaper, The World on arrest of...
Interview with Harvey Tyson, editor of The Star on his reaction to the detentions in South Africa of so-called black sympathisers (including newspaper editors) and its effect on the freedom of the press....
Interview with Allister Sparks, editor of the Rand Daily Mail on his reaction to the detentions in South Africa of so-called black sympathisers, especially newspaper editors, and its effect on the freedom of...
Interview with Tertius Myburgh, editor of Johannesburg’s Sunday Times on his reaction to the detentions in South Africa of so-called black sympathisers, especially newspaper editors, and its effect on the...
Labour MP and Chairman of the Anti-Apartheid Movement, Robert Hughes, on his reaction to the detentions in South Africa of so-called black sympathisers. Male interviewer not identified (poss. Vivian White).
Interview with General Secretary of the Transport and General Workers’ Union, Jack Jones, on black trade unions in South Africa, the rights they have, and what they are excluded from. Male interviewer not...
Unidentified male Student Union leader at Edinburgh University discusses the police placement of an agent within the university, to observe students’ activities. Male interviewer not identified.
MP Norman Buchan describes his bill to grant postal workers the right to take industrial action. His main aim are to modernise the postal service and to execute freedoms that he claims are a postal...
Andy Barry of the Ulster TUC on his campaign meetings in Britain to put pressure on Prime Minister James Callaghan for an injection of capital to create jobs in Northern Ireland, and for a Bill of Rights for...
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