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Report on losses sustained by the British Navy as ground troops make progress through the Falkland Islands. Male reporter not identified (poss. Kim Sabido).
Report on the first House of Commons debate about the British invasion of the Falkland Islands. Defence Secretary John Nott speaks about British losses in the conflict; Labour MP, John Silkin asks about the...
Report on the welfare work being done by the Navy in Plymouth following the sinking of HMS Ardent off the Falkland Islands (21/05/82). Speakers include Maureen Aldale(?) of the Services Wives Association;...
Unidentified British Legion spokesman on the funds being raised for the families of servicemen and other personnel in the Falkland Islands. Female interviewer not identified.
Report on Prime Minister’s Question Time. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher outlines British losses in the Falkland Islands. Other speakers are Labour leader Michael Foot; former Health Minister, Roland...
Report on the Argentine account of the British invasion of the Falkland Islands. Male reporter not identified (poss. Phil Longman).
Defence Secretary, John Nott updates the House of Commons about the situation in the Falklands, including Argentine losses, the task force’s location, Argentine attacks on British ships, and the morale of...
The commanding officer of a ship that has been destroyed in the Falklands talks of his feelings about the loss of his vessel, and about the conflict. Female interviewer not identified.
Report on Defence Secretary John Nott’s speech to the House of Commons about developments in the Falklands conflict. Male reporter not identified.
Report on the Argentine military government stance on the British recapture of Goose Green and Port Darwin on the Falkland Islands. Male correspondent not identified; male studio reporter not identified.
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