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  1. Maw sisters sentenced - Mother on father’s brutality (1980)


    Beryl Maw on the prison sentences awarded at Leeds Crown Court to her daughters, Charlene and Annette, for the killing of their father, Thomas Maw, at their home in Bradford, Yorkshire in 03/80. She...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  2. Nightline (1980)

    Advertisement; Discussion; Jingle; News bulletin; News report; Parliamentary debate; Phone-in; Special; Speech; Talk show; Trailer

    LBC Nightline – Special Edition on Northern Ireland, presented by Mike Dickin, with LBC Parliamentary editor Peter Allen, and satellite link-up with Peter Strauss on WMCA in New York. With guests...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio