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Excerpt from I Have a Dream speech by US black civil rights leader Martin Luther King, delivered 28/08/63, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC.
Excerpt from a sermon by US black civil rights leader Martin Luther King, entitled The Drum Major Instinct at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, 04/02/68.
Brian Hayes talks to writer James Baldwin, whose latest novel, Just Above My Head, is published today. Topics include Baldwin’s development as a novelist; his characters and their relationships; the Black...
In this edition of After Eight Sunday Mike Hopwood chairs a discussion exploring the nature of forgiveness, particularly for persons of faith. Participating are: Vicar of Southgate Church, Reverend Brian...
Report on the first international conference on Human Value. Civil rights activist Jesse Jackson and disabled protesters outside the conference comment. Female reporter not identified.
Documentary on James Earl Ray, the man convicted of assassinating Dr Martin Luther King in 1968. Includes a phone interview with Ray, who protests his innocence, on corruption and conspiracy and his fight...
Special on 1960s American history with archive actuality, news bulletins and speeches. Events covered include: Richard Nixon’s defeat in election to be Governor of California. US space programme and John...
Special programme documenting the political and social events of the United States during the 1960s, including the presidency; foreign policy; the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther...
Female caller phones in asking IRSP (Irish Republican Socialist Party) leader Ray Collins why they support violent struggle in Northern Ireland rather than peaceful protest as seen in India’s independence...
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