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Report on a Parliamentary debate on the state of London services, with statements from Shadow Environment Secretary, Roy Hattersley; Labour MP for Edmonton, Edward (Ted) Graham; Conservative MP for...
Report on the results in the three Enfield constituencies in the 1983 General Election. Includes interviews with candidates: Anthony Berry, Enfield Southgate, Conservative Party; Mary Honeyball, Labour...
Reports for AM programme on the results of GLC by-elections in London which the Conservative Party chose not to stand in, there was a low turnout, abolition of the GLC was the issue elections were held over....
Report on Labour Party victory in the four GLC by-elections in London which the Conservative Party chose not to stand in as the elections were over abolition of the GLC. Turnout was low. Includes comment...
In this episode of his regular show Richard Robbins travels to the Western Riverside Refuse Transfer Station in London, to look at the subject of waste disposal. He talks to plant manager Mike Campbell, who...
Report on the six tornados that hit Edmonton, Canada with an interview with Brian Hall of Edmonton CJCA radio station on what happened and eyewitness accounts (names not given). Female reporter not identified.
Steve Wright reports on three bomb attacks in London which injured six people and caused traffic chaos. Two of the incidents were on British Rail lines near north London stations, the other at a Territorial...
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