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Interview with GLC leader Horace Cutler, on a competition offering a small public owned Docklands waste site rent free for five years with £5,000 in cash. On his hopes that the scheme will attract the...
Secretary of State for the Environment, Peter Shore discusses the redevelopment scheme focusing on London’s Dockland area. Shore claims the scheme will create jobs and regenerate the area for the future,...
Shelagh Roberts of the Docklands Joint Committee talks about the delay in appointing a manager for the redevelopment plan. Male interviewer not identified.
Conservative leader of the Greater London Council (GLC), Horace Cutler on the House of Commons defeat of a bill allowing regeneration of the Docklands area of London. Male interviewer not identified.
Ted Johns, a London docker, on the closure of the docks and leading protests against the closure. Johns claims that London cannot survive without the Docklands. He also says that people no longer trust the...
Leader of the Greater London Council, Horace Cutler on the economic and social benefits of staging the Olympic Games in London. Male interviewer not identified.
Interview with Environment Secretary Peter Shore, about the regeneration of London and in particular the need for renewal of the Docklands area. Female interviewer not identified.
Vivian White interviews Sir Hugh Wilson, Chairman of London Docklands Joint Committee, about attempts to attract Japanese investment in the area. Audio level low. Telephone interview.
Interview with Horace Cutler, Greater London Council (GLC) leader, about the government’s refusal to support a 50 million pound London docklands redevelopment plan. Male interviewer not identified.
Interview with GLC leader Horace Cutler on a feasibility study into the possibility of a London bid for the 1988 Olympic Games with a proposed site in the Docklands area. Female interviewer not identified.
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