Our kind of town

Our kind of town
Interview; Documentary
TX Date
15 Jun 1980
Year of production
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This week’s edition of Our Kind of Town is presented by Keith Howell on firearms ancient and modern. Firearms enthusiast and Secretary of the Muzzle Loaders Association of Great Britain, Andrew Courtney, talks about shooting and guns. Chief Inspector Bob Wells, who is in charge of the Metropolitan Police firearms training wing talks about training police officers to use firearms.
Keith Howell; Bob Wells; Andrew Courtney
Sport; Crime; Law; Police; Metropolitan Police; Weapons; History; Licences; Safety; Shooting; Policemen; Guns; Firearms; Wars (events); Licensing; Leisure time activities; Antiques; Clubs; Personnel; Training; Gun licensing; Vocational training; Rifles (civilian use); Hobbies; Sports clubs; Ammunition; Job satisfaction; Work environment; Facilities; Collections; Private collections; Muzzle Loaders Association of Great Britain; Target sports; Rifles; Practical examinations; Smith and Wesson

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