EC finance bill passed as Tory rebellion quelled for now

EC finance bill passed as Tory rebellion quelled for now
News report; Interview; Speech
TX Date
29 Nov 1994
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The European Communities (Finance) Bill narrowly passed last night after Prime Minister John Major threatened Conservative Party rebels that he would step down if he lost the vote. 8 Tory MPs have had the whip withdrawn as punishment for abstaining. London News political editor Ed Boyle reports on the vote and possible future impact of the rebellion. Includes speech and guffaw by Chancellor Kenneth Clarke prior to vote; comment from Tory MPs: Teddy Taylor, voted against; George Gardiner, Euro-sceptic but voted for; Teresa Gorman and Christopher Gill, abstained as against. Audio balance uneven.
Kenneth Clarke; George Gardiner; Teddy Taylor; Ed Boyle; Teresa Gorman; Christopher Gill; London News
Parliamentary bills; Conservative Party; Members of Parliament; Finance; Europe; John Major; EC

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