Crime, law and order

Crime, law and order
News report; Interview; Speech; Parliamentary debate
TX Date
30 Jan 1996
Year of production
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Parliamentary correspondent Robert Allen reports on Conservative and Labour policy and debate on crime, law and order. Contributions from Deputy Prime Minister, Michael Heseltine; Labour Deputy Leader, John Prescott; Peter Mandelson, MP and adviser to Labour leader Tony Blair; Tony Blair’s speech at Southwark Cathedral, to mark the 10th anniversary of Faith in the City; Prime Minister John Major’s addressing the Conservative Political Centre in Westminster on crime; interview with Theresa May, who will be standing as the Conservative Party’s candidate in Maidenhead.
Michael Heseltine; John Major; John Prescott; Peter Mandelson; Robert Allen; Theresa May
Politics; Legislation; Government; Labour Party; Crime; Law; Conservative Party; Political parties; Law and order policy

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