Korea - Front Line Pictures


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
20 Jul 1950
Date submitted
Jul 1950
Date submitted
17 Jul 1950
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Her Majesty’s Ulster Visit
  2. 2AAA Championships
  3. 3Ammo Blow-Up
  4. 4Mr Churchill on Korea
  5. 5Korea - Front Line Pictures


Story No. within this Issue
5 / 5
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Korea - Front Line Pictures. DESCRIPTION: Seafires and Fireflies of the aircraft carrier HMS Triumph provided Britain’s earliest contribution to the United Nations’ forces operating against the North Koreans. Together with American aircraft from the carrier Valley Forge, they have been attacking targets in communist-held territory. The city of Pyongaeh, South Korea, give plenty of evidence that communist bombers had passed that way. Thousands of refugees were on the trek southward as the small American force withdrew to prepare positions near the Kum River. Scenes of the actual battle were filmed by Gene Zenier, one of our newsreel war correspondents: they give a good idea of the difficult country in which the Americans have been fighting - and a typical skirmish by a forward patrol coming under enemy fire. SHOTLIST: KS. Tank passing along roadway. Seafires & Fireflies aboard HMS "Triumph" aircraft carrier. Fighters taxies & take-off. US carrier "Valley Forge" - MS. LS warship with planes in formation above. GV US carrier. Planes come in to land, one undercarriage wrecked, it lands safely. City of Pyongaeh - GV. GV wrecked plane. Communists bomber. Wrecked railway depot. MS refugees. CU types - old woman, in their thousands, on the march. Elevated GV of same. MS goods trains loaded with equipment. GV rain sodden ground. Goods train passes. Mechanised GIs pass camera. CU lorry passing, tanks pass waving South Koreans. CU tank. Artillery firing. CU shells loaded into barrel. Patrols searching near enemy positions. Set up 75mm AA gun. CU GI running with bayonet raised. GI in ditch. Troops advancing. Bazooka firing & artillery to finish.
Aviation; Displaced persons; Navy; Military
Footage sources
United States of America
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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