The outcome of a research project led by the University of Warwick, this site investigates the history of cinematic projection, the role and image of the cinema projectionist, and the contemporary expansion of projected images and events outside the cinema. It uses a mixture of methods, including oral history, archive research, interviews, textual analysis, photographs and short films to document and explore film projection and the digital transformations of the twenty-first century. The site is organised into four main categories: Virtual Projection Box, which enables the interactive exploration of a projection room; Changing Technology-Changing Work, a tour showing the ways in which technological developments have changed the projectionist’s job; Exploring the Box, which highlights the key features of a 1910s projection room; Women in the Box, about the work of women projectionists across the history of cinema. Highlights include: a film demonstrating the flammability of different types of film stock; an audio clip about adapting to digital projection technologies, and a short news item depicting a ‘projectionette’ showing films for a wartime audience.