Radiophrenia is a temporary art radio station which aims to promote the medium of radio as an art form and to encourage experimental approaches to making radio that are not catered for by mainstream stations. Broadcasting live from Glasgow’s Centre for Contemporary Arts, the station’s broadcast schedule includes live shows, pre-recorded features and a series of specially commissioned ‘live-to-air’ performances. The majority of the programmes are made up of selections submitted to an annual international open call for sound and radio works. Examples of the wide range of broadcasts in previous years can be heard via Radiophrenia 2015,Radiophrenia 2016 and Radiophrenia 2017; Radiophrenia 2019, which will take place in May 2019, is now open for submissions. There is also Broader Casting, a short video which documents the creative process of community groups who are usually excluded from radio, making sound pieces for the festival.