External Site: British Stand-up Comedy Archive[info]
This resource was established at the University of Kent in 2013 to celebrate, preserve, and provide access to the archives and records of British stand-up comedy and comedians. The information on the University of Kent Special Collections page gives details of the available material, which includes stills, posters, production documents and audiovisual content, in the form of off-air recordings and video recordings of live events. A full catalogue will be made available online in 2016 but until then interested researchers can email the Special Collections team (specialcollections@kent.ac.uk) regarding the collections, which can be viewed in the Special Collections & Archives Reading Room in the Templeman Library. The digitisation is ongoing but some audiovisual content is already available on Soundcloud, including material from Attila the Stockbroker, Linda Smith, Mark Thomas and Richard Herring. The project’s excellent and informative blog provides regular updates about new acquisitions as well as interesting thoughts and advice on audiovisual digitisation on a budget in terms of equipment, funding and workflow.