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Demonstrates what a sonic boom is and how it is produced. A sequence of graphic animations shows how sound waves spread out from a stationary source moving at different velocities up to twice the speed of...
Shows wavemaking facilities built at Edinburgh University Department of Engineering in connection with the Edinburgh Wave Power Project. The wide tank (30 metres wide scaled to represent 3km of ocean) with a...
Discusses offshore communications explaining the principle of troposcatter, discovered in 1933 by Marconi, which bounces radio waves off the troposphere, the lowest layer of the earth’s atmosphere. The...
Illustrates the range of ripples occurring on natural beaches and then interprets the growth of these bed forms, using recirculating flumes and a wave tank. Oscillatory and unidirectional flow are...
Examines waves and the mathematics used to model them. Uses partial the differential wave equation to make predictions about a system that exhibits wave-like behaviour: a taut string driven by a vibrating arm.
Demonstrates two famous paradoxes in physics: is light waves or particles and are electrons waves or particles? The discussion is set against the debate on whether truth is objective or subjective in the...
Demonstrates that there is no contradiction between the wave and particle models of light - they have to co-exist as useful analogies. Shows how zinc loses electrons when irradiated with weak ultra-violet...
Part 1 (1978): A ‘meditation’ on the meaning of De Broglie waves. Part 2 (1978): A ‘meditation’ on the meaning of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Part 3 (1975): A straightforward solution of a...
Dr Joseph Webber of the University of Maryland has pioneered this exploration, and with colleagues from around the world, is gathering first readings of gravity waves.
Six-part television series on three videocassettes looking at World War 2 from the viewpoint of a war between the scientists and technology of the two sides. Narrated by William Woolard. 1: 1) The Battle of...
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