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A CD-ROM tutorial examining core physics concepts. Covers: motion;, force; mechanical interaction; work, energy and power; wave motion; statics, dynamics and magnetism.
A CD-ROM database of sounds, with software that enables the display of waveforms, the analysis of sound spectra and synthesis of sounds. Users can also display and analyse sounds they have generated. With...
CD-ROM programmes containing a wide range of interactive animated physics simulations and models. With audio commentary and step-by-step controls for individual learning.
1: Periodic sounds such as tones, including those from musical instruments, can be mathematically modelled as sine waves. Computer-generation animations and the facilities of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop are...
A CAL simulation for building engineering that deals with the water hammer effect (transient pressure propagation) and identification of strategies to control the effect. Relevant in a range of areas as...
Support video for course S271.
Support video for course S271. [For synopsis of SPECIAL RELATIVITY, see separate programme entry.)
Support video for course S271. [See synopses of individual programmes for details of content.]
2: Looks at the rhythmic actions of the vertebrate heart and how these rhythms arise through efficient inter-cellular communication. Examines new research into electrical activity and fluid flow through th...
Eight bands for interactive study. 1: Laboratory demonstrations simulate processes occurring within the ocean. 2: Data compiled from long-term infra-red measurements (AVHRR) of surface ocean temperatures...
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