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Part of a series aimed at helping the smaller businesses prepare for the Single Market. One of the outcomes of the Single Market is the recognition of the need for a quality standard that is approved and...
Explains how costs and profits can vary with the level of business activity and illustrates how to make the ‘right’ financial decisions for a business. Uses examples from Penworth Sofabeds, a...
Uses case studies and studio discussion to explain the difference between selling and marketing, and discusses the requirements for a successful marketing strategy. Participants include representatives from...
Uses studio graphics, discussion and examples from two buinesses - Hamilton Precision Ltd and Keemlaw Catering Equipment - to highligh the problems growing businesses have in organising, communicating with...
As a business grows the range of products it sells may have to change. Three case studies illustrate how and whn product development should take place. The development of a product portfolio is analysed...
Small business people explain why they have problems with controlling their own time and how they have managed to become more effective time managers. Features a time-management consultant explaining his...
A v-ideo-based teaching pack loooking at business studies from the perspective of African women entrepreneurs. Shows a Ghanaian shea butter producer, a pottery in Kenya, and a Ghanaian textile designer...
Anita Roddick of the Body Shop went to Africa to find out first hand how women entrepreneurs in the Third World suirvive and even flourish. Shows three separate businesses in different stages of development:...
Examines the work of Namibian community project officers in supporting small business development in Katarura, a ‘township’ of Windhoek, and in rural Northern Namibia. Aims to encourage thorough research...
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