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Describes the housing, feeding and health care of the ewe throughout pregnancy. Highlights the periods when throughful and competent management are vital, indicating the action to be considered by the...
Describes and integrated year-round system for increasing returns from a mountain sheep-farming enterprise based on an area of improved pasture, and a strategic health plan to combat the major diseases. The...
Describes selection of sheep for breeding and the events surrounding the mating period, the manipulation of the breeding season and the correct use of the ram, concentrating on the behavioural changes...
Considers profitable mid-season sheep production. Of particular interest is the first week of life when the maternal bond is established and the lamb is introduced to pasture for the first time. Describes...
Describes the breeding management of an Irish lowland mid-season lambing flock. Important management areas include: 1) restoration of the ewes’ condition after their last lactation; 2) preparation of rams...
Surgical procedures for establishing cystic-ureteral reflux in the sheep foetus. Examination of the animals from birth to six months of age.
A discussion on the merits of dehorning the small ruminant followed by a demonstration of the innervation of the horn in cow, sheep and goat using anatomical specimens. A goat is given local nerve blocks and...
The action of the fallopian tubes in transporting ova to the uterus is analysed by slow-motion photography of the movements of a black plastic sphere which has been substituted for the ova. Initially...
The major placental types (e.g. the pig, sheep, cat, rat) are examined with the aid of animated diagrams illustrating the foetal and uterine components and the relationship of foetal and uterine blood...
Looks at the roles of dipping, showering and spraying in the control of the parasites of the skin and fleece of sheep; including maggot, fly, sheep ked, sheep lice, ticks and mites.
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