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  1. Ram Examination (1985 Video)

    Veterinary science
    Hire (RVC UVCE) Sale (East of Scotland CA), Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min., 1997 hire: £13.00 (+VAT inc. p&p) (RVC UVCE)

    Explains the merits of ram examination integrated into a flock preventative medicine programme. Describes the basic equipment required, the method of physically examining rams before the breeding season and...

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  2. Real-Time Ultrasonic Scanning of Sheep (2 Parts) (1985 Video)

    Veterinary science
    Hire (RVC UVCE) Sale (Univ Edinburgh), Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 35, 48 min., 1997 hire: £13.00 (+VAT inc. p&p) each

    1: Explains the benefits that can be derived from diagnosing pregnancy and determining foetal numbers in sheep. Illustrates both the theory and the practical details and shows images typical of different...

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  3. Some Cns Disorders in Sheep (1985 Video)

    Veterinary science
    Hire (RVC UVCE) Sale (Univ Edinburgh), Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 31 min., 1997 hire: £13.00 (+VAT inc. p&p)

    Concentrates not on individual diseases or specialised diagnostic methods but on ways in which the central nervous system disturbances may be detected, the similarities which can occur between disorders with...

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  4. Hypothermia in Lambs (1984 Multimedia)

    Veterinary science
    Hire Sale, Tape-slide. Audiocassette. 2 x 45 min.; 11 slides. col., 1997 sale: £25.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Aims to provide an understanding of temperature regulation in newborn lambs in helping prevent and treat hypothermia. Discusses the mechanism of temperature regulation in the newborn lamb, the reasons for...

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  5. Liverfluke in Sheep and Cattle (1983 Multimedia)

    Veterinary science
    Hire Sale, Tape-slide. Audiocassette. 60 min.; 23 slides. col., 1997 sale: £25.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Describes the disease fascioliasis, which is caused by the liver fluke ‘Fasciola hepatica’ and affects sheep and cattle. Aims to provide practitioners with an understanding of the epidemiology and...

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  6. Clinical Examination of the Ram (1982 Video)

    Veterinary science
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 7 min.

    Explains the stages of examination of rams to assess their potential fertility. Consists of clinical examination and collection of semen by electro-ejaculation. There is no discussion of the value of the...

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  7. Cobalt Deficiency in Ruminants (1982 Multimedia)

    Veterinary science
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Tape-slide. Audiocassette. 45 min.; 10 slides. col.

    Describes the incidence of, and the clinical signs associated with, cobalt deficiency in cattle and sheep in the UK. The signs, ranging from severe to inapparent, are illustrated by colour slides. Diagnostic...

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  8. Copper Deficiency in Sheep (1981 Multimedia)

    Veterinary science
    Sale, Tape-slide. Audiocassette. 35 min.; 18 slides. col., 1997 sale: £25.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Aims to provide a rational approach to problems of sheep copper deficienty in the field, with questions and answers.

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  9. Selenium Deficiency and Livestock Diseases in Britain (1981 Multimedia)

    Veterinary science
    Hire Sale, Tape-slide. Audiocassette. 40 min.; 13 slides. col., 1997 sale: £25.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    The selenium responsive diseases are not new, but several advances have been made since 1971, so the subject is reconsidered in general terms and white muscle disease as seen in Britain is considered in...

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  10. Cutting Lambing Losses (198 Video)

    Veterinary science
    Hire, Videocassette. VHS. col. ? min., 1997 hire: £13.00 (+VAT inc. p&p)

    Highlights the importance of careful management throughout the lambing period, good preparation of the lambing accommodation (including adeqate disinfection and a number of individual pens). Describes...

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