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  1. Science and the Swastika (2004)

    History; Science
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 9200 minutes), £16.99

    Series looking at how the Third Reich adapted the tenets of science to its own ends. Narrated by Sebastian Faulks. 07/04: The Good German:

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  2. Mechanisms of Evolution - Genetic Drift, Mutation, Natural Selection (2004)

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 28 minutes), £49.00 (DVD), £20.00 (1 Year Digital Licence), £49.00 (3 Year Digital Licence)

    Evolution is the gradual change that can be seen in a population’s genetic composition, from one generation to the next. The programme covers the three main mechanisms of evolution - genetic drift,...

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  3. Julie Ahringer: Genes, Worms and the New Genetics (2004)


    A recording of the Francis Crick Lecture delivered by Julie Ahringer at the Royal Society on 24 November 2004. Over the past 20 years it has been discovered that all animals have many of the same genes and...

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  4. Is There a Gene for Happiness (2004)

    Biology; Psychology
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 29 minutes), £40.00

    A programme in 3 parts. As our knowledge of the human genome increases, so does press speculation about the influence that genes may have on our lives and behaviour. Is there a gene for mathematical ability...

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  5. Ape-Man - Adventures in Human Evolution (2003)

    aka: Apeman - Adventures in Human Evolution

    Anthropology; Archaeology; Biology
    Sale, VHS (PAL, 6 x 50 minutes), £125.00 each £350.00 series

    A 6-part documentary series exploring the origins of the human species, combining the archaeological story with insights into what our predecessors were like. The series covers fundamental questions about...

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  6. Understanding Evolution: Inheritance & Change (2003)

    Sale, VHS (PAL, 30 minutes), £35.00

    Uses live-action photography and computer generated animation to survey and explore evolution through natural selection and explores the role of genetic mutations in creating new species. Explains DNA and...

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  7. Nobel’s Greatest Hits: Medicine (2003)

    aka: Understand Medicine: Nobel’s Greatest Hits Explained

    Medical sciences
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 60 minutes), £15.99

    Five programmes from the series NOBEL’S GREATEST HITS on topics relating to medicine and one on Nobel himself. Each 10-minute programme gives a clear explanation of a major advance in medicine.

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  8. Predicting Personality (2002)

    Biology; Psychology
    Free streamed access on Vega website Online, 35 min.

    The panel, chaired by Colin Blakemore and consisting of John Carey, Jeffrey Gray, Peter McGuffin and Mike Maier, discuss to what extent personality is dictated by our genetic makeup. Groundbreaking new...

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  9. Secrets of Life, The (Ri Christmas Lectures 2001) (2002)

    Sale, VHS (PAL, 5 x 50 minutes), £19.99 each part £79.99 set

    To celebrate the publication of the draft sequence of the human genome in February 2001, Sir John Sulston of the Sanger Centre, Cambridge, was invited to give the RI Christmas lectures 2001 on human...

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  10. Genetics and Reproduction (2001 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 23 min., 2001 sale: £47.00 (inclusive)

    Explores the revolution in genetic medicine and highlights the social and ethical implications of the emerging reproductive technologies. Topics discussed include designer babiesand genetic testing of babies...

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