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A contemporary television retelling of Mary Shelley’s classic horror story Frankenstein with a fresh new twist, as literature’s most infamous creator, Dr Victor Frankenstein, is re-born in the 21st...
A 3-part documentary series chronicling the shifts in the idea of ‘race’ and the history of racism in Europe, The Americas, Australasia and Asia. The films show how ideas of racial difference have...
An attempt to demystify the complicated world of stem cells through a series of simple and colourful animations based around illustrations created by graphic designers. (13 minutes)
This film, produced at the brain development laboratory at Oregon University, explores the fascinating interplay of genetic predispositions and circumstance after birth in the development of the brain and...
What are embryonic stem cells? Why are they potent? How do they differ from adult stem cells? Are embryonic development and regeneration intimately connected? In four presentations, given as part of the HHMI...
Claudia Hammond examines our fingers which provide often overlooked clues to our genetic inheritance, our cultural provenance and our psychological state. Each programme covers one digit - examining its...
Two 15-minute programmes on stem cell research - one on embryonic stem cells and the future of Parkinson’s Disease and the other on the ethics of stem cell research. Th
Video recording of a lecture given by Rudolf Jaenisch, a member of the Whitehead Institute, on 19/12/2005. From the Director’s Lecture Series for Non-Scientists. 59 minutes
Video recording of a lecture given by David Bartel, a member of the Whitehead Institute, on 20/6/2005. From the Director’s Lecture Series for Non-Scientists. 56 minutes
Scientists are unravelling the mechanisms that dictate how the brain and body regulate weight. In four presentations from the HHMI Holiday Lectures in Science 200 series, Dr. Ronald M. Evans and Dr. Jeffrey...
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