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  1. Apollo 11 - A Night to Remember (2009)

    Astronomy; History
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 133 minutes), £19.99

    On July 20 1969, Apollo 11 became the first manned spacecraft to land on the moon. Piloted by veteran astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, Apollo 11 took its place in history, as one...

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  2. Moonwalk One (2009)

    Theo Kamecke
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 107 minutes), £29.99

    NASA originally commissioned director Theo Kamecke to make this documentary only six weeks before Apollo 11 s flight to the Moon in July 1969. But instead of a simple documentary film, what transpired was a...

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  3. James May on the Moon (2009)

    Space science
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 60 minutes), £14.98

    James meets three men who have walked on the moon, to discover how it felt and learn how 1960s technology managed to produce machines which were able to fly to the moon. May also experiences the thrill of...

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  4. In the Shadow of the Moon (2008)

    David Sington
    Astronomy; History; Technology
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 100 minutes), £19.99

    This simple, stylish look at the Apollo space program is a quietly powerful rumination on the nature of patriotism, heroism, and humanity. Director David Sington utilises a narrator-less structure that...

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  5. Mysteries of Space (2008)

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 158 minutes), £19.99

    A two-volume collection of vintage US documentaries on the origins of the universe and space exploration, featuring distinguished scientists and guest narrators. Films comprise: Disc 1 A View of the Sky -...

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  6. Stardate (2007)

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 90 minutes), £12.50

    This DVD contains 3 programmes from the BBC 2 series Stardate - MISSION TO TITAN, DEEP IMPACT and MISSION TO VENUS.

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  7. Alternative 3 (2007)

    Christopher Miles
    Environmental science; Media studies
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 52 minutes), £15.99

    Originally scheduled for broadcast on April Fool’s Day 1977 but delayed until June due to industrial action, ALTERNATIVE 3 was a controversial hoax documentary in the vein of Orson Welles’s radio...

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  8. Cosmos, The: A Beginner’s Guide (2007)

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 180 minutes), £39.99

    This double DVD contains six programmes from the BBC Two series presented by Adam Hart-Davis. Programme 1 - Are we alone or is there other life out there? - We meet the alien hunters, who spend their time...

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  9. James May’s Twentieth Century (6 Parts) (2007)

    aka: James May’s 20th Century

    History; Technology
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 180 minutes), £39.99

    Documentary series about 20th century innovations. Separate programmes cover worldwide travel and communications, space exploration, how warfare drives ingenuity, emergence of the teenager, and urbanisation.

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  10. Woman in the Moon (2007)

    aka: Frau in Mond

    Fritz Lang
    Film studies; Science
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 163 minutes), £19.99

    FRAU IM MOND is: (a) The first feature-length film to portray space-exploration in a serious manner, paying close attention to the science involved in launching a vessel from the surface of the earth to the...

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