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Given the costs of fossil fuels for energy, the insecurity of their supply, and the damage to the planet by their consumption, looks at three possible energy futures that suggest that renewable energy...
A compilation of eight short films made for Channel Four in which poor people speak for themselves. Participants come from Eritrea, Bangladesh, the UK, Canada, th USA, Lebanon, Nicaragua, and Hong Kong.
A recording of a panel of specialists in overseas aid discussing a range of issues concerning the role and purpose of aid agencies in developing countries. Participants are Bruce Lawrence, Merlin; Richard...
Shows how communities can be enabled to improve their living environment with the help of a community-based environmental management information system (CEMIS). Looks at the experience of the community...
Shows the active participation of women - the Women’s Caucus - in the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlemsnts (Habitat II) and describes the women’s efforts to ensure that the Habitat Agenda include a...
Looks at the application of a community-based environmental management information system (CEMIS) in two low-income areas of Jakarta, Indonesia - Kali Baru and Kali Anyar. Describes how a community is...
After years of military dictatorship, the Philippines is now giving priority to economic development by opening its doors to international companies. This programme looks at the problems relating to the...
Shows what happens in poorer countries when natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons and drought strike. In contrast to the stereotyped images of people in developing countries as hopeless, passive...
Using footage of Hanoi and the surrounding area, explores the Vietnamese history and the impact of conflict from French colonialism to the present day and examines the impact of economic restructuring on the...
Suggests that aid organisations supplying second-hand clothes to needy people in developing countries may be doing more harm than good, because the market for locally produced garments and textiles is thus...
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