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  1. Functional Bracing of the Lower Limb (1984 Video)

    Medical sciences
    Hire Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 32 min.

    Describes the evolution of cast bracing for general and tibial fractures and how the system has been developed at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield. It demonstrates the practical application of both...

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  2. Lower Extremity Fracture Bracing (1984 Video)

    Medical sciences
    Free loan, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 21 min.

    Looks at the background and aims of functional bracing and demonstrates the correct measurements, fabrication and fitting of a femoral fracture brace, including instructions for correct alignment of knee and...

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  3. Understanding Bone Marrow Transplantation (1984 Film)

    Medical sciences
    Film (16mm)

    Aims to keep doctors who care for patients with serious blood diseases abreast of the latest developments in the field of bone marrow transplantation.

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  4. Temporal Bone, The (1983 Video)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 13 min., 1999 sale: £20.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Presents the location and development of the temporal bone using diagrams and specimens.

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  5. Temporal Bone Surgery: Anatomy and Setting Up (1982 Video)

    Michael Rigg
    Michael Rigg
    Medical sciences
    Hire Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 12 min.

    Temporal bone anatomy outlined; technique of setting up demonstrated; tools for next stage displayed.

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  6. Fractures (2 Parts) (1981 Multimedia)

    Medical sciences
    Hire Sale, Tape-slide. Audiocassette. 15, 35 min.; 31, 60 slides. col.

    Part 1: Defines a fracture and discusses the classification of fractures and how they are diagnosed. The first classification is by their clinical features: the second is by their X-ray appearance. The signs...

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  7. Fractures: Nursing Care (1981 Multimedia)

    Medical sciences
    Hire Sale, Tape-slide. Audiocassette. 25 min.; 21 slides. col.

    General principles of nursing patients with major fractures.

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  8. Plaster of Paris Technique: The Scaphoid Cast (1981 Multimedia)

    Medical sciences
    Hire Sale, Tape-slide. Audiocassette. 15 min.; 50 slides. col.

    A step-by-step guide illustrating one simple method of applying and removing a scaphoid cast.

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  9. Coalport (1978 Video)

    Kevin T Marsland
    Adelilne Collier
    Free loan, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min.

    Relates the history and craftsmanship of Coalport bone china. Includes scenes of the china works and demonstrations of modelling ceramic sculptures, flower making and freehand painting.

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  10. Development and Growth of Bone: Intramembranous Ossification (1978 Video)

    R A Guariento
    Medical sciences
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 15 min.

    The process of development of bone as illustrated by intramembranous ossification, followed from the earliest stages of the deposition of bone substance in an embryonic connective tissue membrane to the...

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