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Shows the boyhood of Shakespeare in Stratford and his career in London as actor and dramatist. Conveys impressions of the Elizabethan stage, particularly the Globe Theatre. There are short excerpts from...
Describes the structure and function of glands of internal secretion. Pituitary gland; parathyroid; insulin; thyroids.
Opens with simple laboratory demonstrations of the classical laws of friction, followed by an examination of actual surfaces using taper sections under the electron microscope. Large scale models of surfaces...
The basic principles of ultrasonics; some important properties and applications.
Explains the simple school spectrometer before introducing the spectrograph with its photographic recording and extended frequency range. Line spectra are explained diagrammatically as changes of electron...
Covers all development stages from the blastoderm to the hatching of the chick; animated diagrams and section photomicrographs. Normal speed and time-lapse photographic sequences, and animated diagrams...
A survey of the five orders of reptiles showing examples of each group in their natural habitats.
Life of the swallow during summer in Northern Europe; courtship; building a nest; feeding the young.
Close-up photography illustrates varied activities of four types of ant: mound builders, black ants, household ants and carpenter ants. The life cycle of the carpenter ant is shown in detail, and the final...
An analysis of dogfish anatomy shown by photographs of the living fish, detailed dissections and animated diagrams. A study of the habits and external features of the fish is followed by microphotographs of...
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