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  1. Google and the World Brain: The Audacious Attempt to Control Human Knowledge (2013)

    Ben Lewis
    Bettina Walter
    Information technology; Law; Media studies
    Sale, DVD (Region 1 NTSC, 93 minutes), $350.00 (College and University)

    In 1937, the science fiction writer H. G. Wells imagined a "World Brain" containing all of the world’s knowledge, accessible to all people, that would be "so compact in its material form and so gigantic in...

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  2. Bear 71, An Interactive Documentary (2012)

    Jeremy Mendes; Leanne Allison
    Biology; Information technology

    A multi-user, interactive documentary that observes and records the intersection of humans and nature, questioning our view of the world through the lens of digital technology. BEAR 71 follows the life of a...

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  3. Think B4 U Post (2012)

    Information technology; Social welfare
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 22 minutes), £48.00

    A person normally wouldn’t shout out the details of a private meeting or give a credit card to a total stranger - yet in effect that’s what people do when they post indiscreetly on social networking...

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  4. The Digital Public Library of America: Current Plans and Future Prospects (2012)

    Information technology; Librarianship

    Video recording of a lecture by Professor Robert Darnton, University Librarian at Harvard University, on the development of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) and how the US experience can inform...

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  5. Geographies of the World’s Knowledge (2012)

    Information technology

    Dr Mark Graham presents this overview of the Oxford Internet Institute’s ‘Geographies of the Word’s Knowledge’ booklet which consists of ten visualisations - each one highlighting a particular...

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  6. Boy and His Atom, A (2012)

    Information technology

    The ability to move single atoms, one of the smallest particles of any element in the universe, is crucial to IBM’s research in the field of atomic-scale memory. In 2012, IBM scientists announced the...

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  7. Hunt for A.I., The (2012)

    Helen Sage
    Helen Sage
    Information technology
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 50 minutes), £195.00

    Professor Marcus Du Sautoy investigates Artificial Intelligence and asks what it would mean if one day machines could think like people. He begins by asking what thinking is and whether it is this that makes...

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  8. Data Mining: Big Data’s Increasing Challenge and Payoff (2012)

    Information technology
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 20 minutes), £49.00 (DVD), £20.00 (1 Year Digital Licence), £49.00 (3 Year Digital Licence)

    Although the process of data mining is not new, it has become a more significant part of ICT infrastructure in recent times. This film explores the nature of data mining as well as some of the key uses. It...

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  9. Automated Analysis of Information and Social Networks from Social Media Data (2012)

    Information technology

    Video podcast from the University of Oxford Internet Institute given by Anatoliy Gruzd, Dalhousie University. Our online lives just like our offline lives are intertwined with others within a wide variety of...

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  10. Building Dynamic Websites: Lecture 1: Php (2012)

    Information technology

    Video of a Harvard Extension School lecture, with instructor David J. Malan, who is Professor of Computer Science at Harvard. The lecture is one in a series on website construction. [102 minutes]

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