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  1. World You Never See, The (Detailed Close-Ups from the World of Wildlife) (1974 Film)

    Film & television production
    Film (16mm)

    The work of Oxford Scientific Films unit in the England, showing production techniques employed and examples of nature film-making.

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  2. Vision Mixer, The (1973 Video)

    Film & television production
    Hire Sale, Videocassette. U-matic, VHS. b&w. 11 min.

    A short teaching programme covering the operation and function of the standard A/B vision mixer. Originally made for use on the CCTV Production courses for college tutors.

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  3. Making of a Natural History Film, The (1972 Video)

    Mick Rhodes
    Biology; Film & television production
    Videocassette. U-matic. col. 50 min.

    The techniques of making a natural history film, showing the Oxford Scientific Films at work.

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  4. Television Camera Tube, The (1972 Film, Video)

    Film & television production; Technology
    Film (16mm)

    The vidicon type camera tube; the principles of operation of the various electrodes; the photo-sensitive layer; magnetic focusing and deflections.

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  5. Direction d’Acteurs Par Jean Renoir, La (1969 Film)

    Film & television production
    Film (16mm)

    Shows Renoir working with an actress from first reading to run-through in front of cameras. Illustrates one way of approaching the problem of building up a character.

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  6. Colour Box, A (1935 Video)

    Len Lye
    Film & television production; Media studies
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. Dufaycolor. 4 min.

    Len Lye pioneered the technique of painting directly on to the film negative, and this is the first film that he brought to John Grierson. Grierson liked the film and told him to go away and paint the new...

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  7. Step by Step

    Film & television production

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  8. My Voyage to Italy

    Film & television production; Italian studies
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 246 minutes), £7.99

    Filmmaker Martin Scorsese gained great inspiration from the Italian films he watched in his youth and others that made an impact later on in his life, changing the way he made films. My Voyage To Italy...

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  9. Shaksespeare Talks # 11 (Audio)

    aka: Ralph Fiennes Discusses Coriolanus

    Film & television production; Shakespeare

    Acclaimed actor, Ralph Fiennes, discusses his new film, "Coriolanus" with David Cote.

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  10. Film Versions of "Hamlet" (Video)

    Drama; Film & television production; Shakespeare

    Local access video discussion series hosted by Rick Winston and Bill Morancy. In this edition Rick explores his favourite film adaptations of Shakespeare’s Hamlet with theatre director Joanne Greenberg....

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