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The video programmes associated with SD329 Signals and Perception: The Science of The Senses cover the senses of hearing, vision, proprioception, and smell. Using graphics and a series of interviews with...
A CAL simulation for building engineering that deals with the water hammer effect (transient pressure propagation) and identification of strategies to control the effect. Relevant in a range of areas as...
Discusses offshore communications explaining the principle of troposcatter, discovered in 1933 by Marconi, which bounces radio waves off the troposphere, the lowest layer of the earth’s atmosphere. The...
Examines waves and the mathematics used to model them. Uses partial the differential wave equation to make predictions about a system that exhibits wave-like behaviour: a taut string driven by a vibrating arm.
Demonstrates two famous paradoxes in physics: is light waves or particles and are electrons waves or particles? The discussion is set against the debate on whether truth is objective or subjective in the...
Dr Joseph Webber of the University of Maryland has pioneered this exploration, and with colleagues from around the world, is gathering first readings of gravity waves.
Six-part television series on three videocassettes looking at World War 2 from the viewpoint of a war between the scientists and technology of the two sides. Narrated by William Woolard. 1: 1) The Battle of...
Explains how standing waves were associated only with sound waves until it was shown that the principle of superposition is applicable to all waves. Recent developments with low-cost laser and holographic...
Vibrating strings and animated diagrams are used to illustrate wave propagation, wave deformation and wave reflection from a stationary obstacle. Acquaintance with the sine function is assumed.*
Using large experimental tanks, explains how waves are created and shows that even though waves may travel at a good rate of speed, the water does not move. It also notes that high-energy waves are created...
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