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  1. Preserving the Legacy 1: Introduction to Environmental Technology (13 Parts) (1999 Video)

    Environmental science
    Out OF Distribution, Videocassette. VHS. col. 13 x 30 min., 2001 sale: £12.75 (+VAT inc. p&p) each part 2001 sale: £65.00 (+VAT inc. p&p) whole set

    Looks at global environmental problems and solutions, giving examples from around the world of how committed professionals are turning textbook concepts and principles into real, viable action. Underscores...

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  2. Preserving the Legacy 2: Introduction to Environmental Technology (15 Parts) (1997 Video)

    aka: Introduction to Environmental Technology

    Environmental science; Technology
    Out OF Distribution, Videocassette. VHS. col. 15 x 30 min., 2001 sale: £12.75 (+VAT inc. p&p) each part 2001 sale: £75.00 (+VAT inc. p&p) whole set

    Series dealing with industrial processes and waste stream management. 1: Introduces block flow diagrams and mass balance as ways of identifying and quantifying waste streams. Looks at physical, chemical,...

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  3. Tip and Run (1989 Video)

    David Naden
    Environmental science
    out of distribution, Videocassette. VHS. col. 30 min., 1993 sale: £20.00 each; £80.00 set (+VAT +p&p)

    CITY WATCH is a series of six films about Birmingham’s Environmental Services Department. Each film follows an individual or a group of environmental health officers and other officials on a ‘typical’...

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