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Shows the effects of mining in the rain forest. Davi Yanomami makes the first-ever visit by a Yanomami spokesperson to Europe, to appeal for acknowledgement of Yonomami land rights. He also collects the...
Looks at the role of the EEC, the World Bank, and multinational mining companies in the destruction of the Amazon forest and how it is related to Brazil’s national debt? Filmed over four years at Sossego,...
Documents the destruction of parts of the South American rainforest as the land is opened up by new roads and the forest is cleared to make way for coffee plantations and cattle ranches. As the settlers move...
Documents the effects of World Bank-funded projects on the environment and tribal peoples worldwide. These projects include the Poloroeste project in South America (building a road through a Brazilian rain...
An account of the destruction of the Amazonian rain forest in Brazil. The destruction of the world’s tropical forests is the greatest single threat to the stability of environmental systems on our planet....
Deforested areas in the wet tropics have been farmed in a variety of ways with different ecological and economic consequences. The programme was filmed in south-east Mexico in an area that until recently was...
Shows some important ecological features of a tropical evergreen rain forest in Mexico. Filmed at Los Tuxtlas, Southern Veracruz, Mexico, at the forest reserve of the University of Mexico Institute of...
Assesses the causes and effects of destroying tropical rainforests. Rural families of the Third World need firewood for fuel and timber is a valuable currency earner. Describes the efforts being made...
Discusses the ecology of a tropical rainforest at Korup in Cameroon including predation, parasitism, competition and symbiosis. Sequences include one of the flowers of Parkia and the animals which visit it....
Shows aspects of life in a tropical rain forest on Barro Colorado in Panama which is used as a base for scientific investigation under the Smithsonian Institute. Illustrates the diversity of animals and...
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