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A series of experiments illustrating aspects of behaviour or neurobiology in an interactive way: 1) newt courtship; 2) water regulation (rats); 3) schedule-induced polydipsia; 4) thermoregulation; 5)...
J Z Young’s identification of the squid giant axon in the 1930s was the foundation of the study of how we might learn about our own nervous systems from the study of those of other animals. Archive film...
Explains the mechanisms that control the operation of human nerves, including the formation and propagation of action potentials, the action of voltage activated ion gates and ligand activated ion gates, the...
Covers the entire scope of the body’s histological organisation, describing cells, tissues, and organs in ascending order of biological complexity. Each programme begins with an introduction by Dr David T...
A computer simulation of the isolated giant axon of the squid to investigate the biophysical properties of nerve. Describes the preparation, apparatus used to record the resting potential of the axon and the...
A computer simulation of experiments which can be performed on the frog sciatic nerve to illustrate the important properties of nerves. The program provides an alternative to the use of live animals in...
Cranial nerve examination.
Demonstrates population and unitary properties on conduction in nerve axons.
Begins with a brief description of Aplysia’s general features, and its behaviour patterns. In the laboratory, giant nerve cells are found in its nervous system. Experiments show that different neurons show...
Dissection of the frog sciatic nerve and a demonstration of its electrical properties by connection to an oscilloscope and observation of signal characteristics.
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