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Whilst the achievements and exploits of the Soviets and Americans in space exploration are well documented, the story of the British Space Programme is much less well known. Beginning in 1962 with the...
Television series in which Michael Wood relates the history of the Spanish conquest of the New World in the 16th century. In four parts: 1) The Fall of The Aztecs: retraces Cortes’ journey across Mexico...
Tracks some of the development through 1992 of a space mission that will be launched towards Titan, the largest satellite of Saturn, in 1997. Closely follows two experiments being developed at the University...
Explains the mission of the British National Space Centre (BNSC) of focusing British space activities, to help understand and protect the environment, develop commercial application of space communication...
Looks at the American space agency NASA’s SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project. Radiotelescopes in Puerto Rico, Spain, Australia and the USA will sweep the skies, hoping to catch faint...
Sir Laurens van der Post, who has devoted much of his life to the plight of the disappearing Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, lectures to the Royal Geographical Society on exploration, recalling his original...
The discovery of Uranus in 1781 by William Herschel is compared with discoveries by Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 of additional moons for the outer planets, especially Uranus. Shows photographs of the moon and the...
Discusses interstellar matter, taking an historical approach to the discoveries of molecules in space. Radio telescopes and astronomic spectrometers are seen at work. Taking part in the programme are Dr...
Mars, the red planet, is historically believed to contain life because of its straight canals, seen through earlier astronomers’ telescopes. Looks at the exploration of the planet by the Mariner and Viking...
Jupiter and Saturn are the first pair of outer planets and are enormous compared to earth. They are dense, compressed masses of gas. From the data sent back by the Pioneer and Voyager space probes, the...
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