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This film, aimed at design technology, engineering and computer studies students, introduces computer controlled systems, block diagrams and applications of computer controlled systems. Open and closed loop...
This film demonstrates the operation of semiconductors, diodes and transistors, and explains how the invention of the integrated circuit and transistor has revolutionised electronics. Viewers will learn...
Pain is something we all experience, but long term pain is becoming increasingly common in our ageing society beset with multiple chronic diseases. It is therefore imperative that medical professionals...
Care workers looking after elderly patients often find themselves in positions where they need to think on their feet and deal with conflict effectively. Through various dramatised scenarios, this programme...
This programme , aimed at secondary school, uses practical demonstrations and graphics to provide an in-depth overview of the atom and the Periodic Table. It shows the makeup of atoms into protons, neutrons...
Examines the workings of the three energy systems - the ATP-PC system, the lactic acid system and the aerobic system - and the effects of exercise on each of them, effects of exercise on the body, including...
Explains the photoelectric effect and tells the story of its discovery, investigation and eventual explanation by Einstein, which brought about the revolutionary notion that light is a stream of photons, and...
Explores motion under gravity, firstly in one dimension as vertical projection, then in two dimensions as projectile motion. Using jugglers, ball games and stunt bike riders, the video deals in turn with the...
Explains how quantum theory and relativity have transformed our understanding of the sub-atomic world, light, gravity and the origins of the universe. The video is divided into sections dealing with the...
Explains in simple terms the following: how physicists make measurements of position and distance using the three-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinate system to create a reference frame for measurement; 2) the...
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