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An immersive 3D audio production recorded with binaural equipment on location in Scotland at Glamis Castle. Ideally should be listened to with headphones. Released as a series of four podcasts: Part 1: Sleep...
In 1752 Edinburgh launched a competition to design a ‘New Town’ for the Scottish capital. The city desperately needed an upgrade - it was overcrowded, filthy and crumbling. With Scotland a partner in the...
A short, animated guide setting out how freedom of information (FOI) rights can be used to access information from public authorities in Scotland. In just over two minutes the "infographic" tells the story...
The Ghostvillage Project was created over three days on the west coast of Scotland. Six artists - Timid, Remi/Rough, System, Stormie Mills, Juice 126, Derm - were given free reign to paint in an abandoned,...
Audio recording of the ‘Democracy and Broadcasting: is Scotland being served?' debate, organised by the Scottish Broadcasting Commission and held on the 6th May 2008. This event, held in Glasgow, was an...
Blood pressure is one of the world’s growing killers , especially in countries like China where Western diets and a growing lack of exercise are beginning to take their toll. This film joins Professor Liu...
Portrait of the Scottish writer William McIlvanney, one of Scotland’s most accomplished writers, and author of books such as ‘Docherty’ and and the Laidlaw series, which inspired later writers of...
Upon arriving at King Duncan’s camp, Macbeth is greeted by nobles who tell him that he is the new Thane of Cawdor. However, when King Duncan arrives, he reveals that his son Malcolm will be the heir to...
Having read about King Duncan’s pledge to make his son, Malcolm his heir, Lady Macbeth encourages her husband to grasp his destiny. A reluctant usurper, Macbeth manages to kill Duncan. After the deed is...
Audio podcast. Rosie Goldsmith speaks to Norwegian thriller writer Jo Nesbo, who has written a crime novel set in the 1970s inspired by Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The books has been published as part of the...
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