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A completely revised and updated version of the 1995 film . It covers the principles and application of external and internal renders. The last part of the films looks at internal partitions. Using a mixture...
Looks at how the energy efficiency of existing houses can be improved by relatively simple and sometimes inexpensive measures. Specifically the film covers areas where heat is lost; U Values; ventilation and...
Describes and compares the construction of new and old roofs. The first concentrates on the components in a simple traditional roof and subsequently explains more complex structures using trusses and...
Describes the evolution of materials used to cover pitched roofs and explains current practice for both single and double lap coverings. Covers materials - thatch, natural slate, stone slate, plain tiles,...
Describes the various forms of upper floor structure that are likely to be found in both existing and new housing. Explains the evolution of modern practice and highlights precautions necessary to prevent...
Describes the various forms of ground floor structure which are likely to be found in both existing and new housing. It explains the evolution of modern practice and materials and shows modern floors in the...
Examines common defects caused by long-term water saturation and explains how saturation can be avoided. Looks at specific problems of frost attack, efflorescence, staining, sulphate attack and wall tie...
The development of the city of Bath, famous for its imposing Georgian buildings, was inspired by a desire for architectural elegance but founded on the financial reality of speculative business. The film...
Examines the renovation of two Victorian houses in Bristol, both owned by Solon South West Housing Association Ltd. Identifies some of the existing defects present in both properties and follows the process...
An introduction to the development of house types and construction materials over the last thousand years. Begins with the crude earth and timber structures of the early Middle Ages and traces the...
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