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This film tells the story of itinerant circus performers, cabaret acts and vaudeville and fairground attractions. In this film, rarities and never-before-seen footage of fairgrounds, circus entertainment,...
Rebuilding Britain’s run-down social housing seems like a good deal for everyone. But what’s it like to live through regeneration? This thought-provoking film shows what ‘tenant participation’ means...
A series of four programmes aiming to help all doctors acquire a basic understanding of the autopsy and, in particular, help trainee pathologists gain a more in-depth knowledge of the techniques involved....
Tells the stories of show people’s lives and culture, and how it has changed over the last hundred years. Individual recollections are combined with contemporary and old film footage, photographs and...
An introduction to the techniques used to identify evidence of prehistoric landscapes and their application in field research, drawing on work across the varied terrain of the Peak District in Derbyshire....
Two videos prepared under the technical direction of Claire Allam by students studying Shakespeare at the University of Sheffield with Michael Hattaway. They are designed to show how Shakespeare was and is...
Designed for speech and language therapy clinical placements, but will be useful for clinicians taking students on clinical placement in any branch of medicine and for students to prepare themselves for...
The first of two videotapes designed to show how Shakespeare was and is performed in many ways. Presents three extracts from Hamlet from the ‘bad quarto’ performed in the style of theatre that would have...
The second of two videotapes designed to show how Shakespeare was and is performed in many ways. Presents three extracts from The Tempest - part of the opening storm, the scene in which Ariel taunts the...
Designed to teach radiation workers dealing with unsealed sources of radioactive material the importance of prpoer contamination control. Looks at how good laboratory design and good working practices help...
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