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Shows a range of activities undertaken by the ICU nurse: setting up a room, patient’s entry to the unit, monitoring the patient’s vital functions, extubation: removal of LA and arterial lines and removal...
A trigger video that discusses post-mastectomy anxiety, the radiotherapy department, changes in treatment and the side effects and results of treatment.
A trigger video that discusses communication with children of different ages, communicating in difficult situations and informing and involving parents.
Looks at communication between nurses and stoma patients. In four sections of approximately 11 minutes each, the programme is designed to be viewed several times looking at different aspects of...
A trigger video that discusses the problems of communicating with difficult, unresponsive or distressed elderly people.
A trigger video that discusses encouraging social contact, formal and informal teaching, social integration and dealing with conflict.
The stapling method of anastomosis is becoming increasingly popular and especially for low colo-rectal procedures. The technique of anterior resection of the rectum is demonstrated. The mobilisation and...
Cholecystectomy is now the commonest elective general surgical abdominal operation and there is every indication that the incidence of biliary disease is increasing throughout the Western world. The major...
Limb salvage for severe ischemia frequently requires a femoro-distal bypass. Sometimes the most suitable vessel is a distal-tibial vessel and magnification techniques may be needed for anastomosis. The...
The procedure of laparotomy together with possible incisions and techniques of opening and closing the abdomen are discussed and demonstrated. The midline incision, the most commonly employed in this...
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