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Educational DVD aimed at KS 3-5. The drive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions means that many governments are trying to decarbonise electricity generation. But some renewables only generate electricity when...
Kate Raworth, Senior Researcher at Oxfam Great Britain explores the question of what it would take to achieve global ‘green growth’ with equity.
An audio recording of the Sigma President’s Lecture given at the RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) in London on 26/6/2007 by Professor AbuBakr Bahaj of the School...
Examines the environmental dangers threatening the planet but looks forward in hope rather than despair. Begins by looking at the effects of the industrial revolution and goes on to discuss the impact of...
A video featuring alternative energy devices in the Third World and Britain. Our historical use of fossil fuels and non-fossil sources of energy is discussed. Power supply circuits, and safety features for...
Environmental hazards created by gas, coal and nuclear power have prompted exploration into viable alternatives. This program examines the potential and limitations of wind, solar and geothermal power as...
The current world speed record for a human-powered vehicle is 80.55 mph. In this edition of the science series, Adam Hart-Davis tries out viewers’ suggestions for high-speed vehicles, powered only by him....
Uses three case studies to illustrate elements of sustainability in design: 1) the smart car - initially a joint venture between Mercedes and Swatch, the car is designed for maximum economy of space and...
Series in which five scientists are taken to a remote Mediterranean island, left with only the most basic of equipment and asked to use their scientific knowledge as survival skills to demonstrate how useful...
Examines the work of renewable-energy research scientists and explores commercial applications or renewable energy Covers: nature of renewable energy is; the future of fossil fuels; the ‘purest’ forms of...
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