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  1. Environmental Impact Assessment (2005)

    Architecture; Civil Engineering & Building
    Sale, VHS (25 minutes), £79.00 (RICS) £200.00 (Einstein)

    Environmental Impact Assessments are required on construction projects. This programme looks at the rudiments of environmental impact assessment, including a brief history, the screening and scoping...

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  2. Unwin Lecture, The (2004)

    Civil Engineering & Building; Environmental science

    Video of a lecture on sustainable development and ways of using brownfields sites, given at the Institution of Civil Engineers by Professor Robert M. Kalin of Queen’s University Belfast. He gives case...

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  3. Environmental Impact Assessment As a Design Toolkit (2002)

    Architecture; Civil Engineering & Building
    Sale, VHS (25 minutes), £79.99 RICS)

    A look at the environmental impact assessment requirements for an urban design project in Barking Reach and how the landscape and visual impact, transportation, and ground condition issues influenced the...

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  4. Environmental Impact Assessment (1998 Video)

    Environmental science; Geography
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 23 min., 2005 sale: £39.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Two case studies illustrate how environmental impact assessment works and how effective it is: At Shellharbour the plan is to dredge a wetland and build groynes to convert the area to a harbour for a...

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  5. Environmental Assessment (1995 Multimedia)


    An introduction to environmental assessment: statement, methods, procedural stages, approaches and case studies. Approximately five hours of teaching material.

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  6. Decent Place to Live, A (1992 Video)

    Environmental science
    out of distribution, Videocassette. VHS. col. 20 min.

    An introduction to environmental audits and how they can be used by community education staff and community groups to enhance the local environment.

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