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Looks at ways in which new kinds of partnerships are forming. In Manchester the public and private sectors have joined with central government to bid for the Olympic Games in the year 2000. The public sector...
An introduction to the human and social dimensions of economic history. Shows that industrialisation is not the uniform process it is often assumed to be. Illustrations from the French Lyonnais region in the...
From the equal distribution of all goods among the !Kung to the balanced reciprocity of the Yonomamo and the Trobriand Islanders, the economies of many non-Western societies are shown to be based on...
Looks at the complex interweaving of economics and religion known as the ‘cargo’ system, which is found among the Highland Maya of Mexico and Guatemala.
In many cultures marriage is not just a pact between man and woman for sexual access and procreation. Customs are unique within societies and are often related to the economy.
In three parts: 1) reasons for international trade: basic commodities (gypsum), agricultural produce (coffee, wool), manufactures (cars, jumbo jets); 2) invisible trade, tourism (jet boating), transport...
Links economic theory with real business activity. In three parts: 1) Recent changes from small scale to large and reasons for changes. 2) Large scale leads to efficiency. Input-output disagram. Small-scale...
Links economic theory with real business activity. In three parts: 1) Meaning of term ‘market’. Vegetable growers in perfect competition. How an auction market sets price. 2) How to become a monopolistic...
Part 1: Shows how from 1944 until 1971 the US dollar ran the world, but failed when declining mountains of gold in Fort Knox could no longer guarantee the growing piles of dollars in the world. Part 2: Looks...
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