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Filmed in the ward of reproductional medicine at Charite Hospital in Berlin, this video looks at the procedures involved in a fertility clinic through an experimental anthropological gaze. Concerned with the...
A documentary from the USA which features six single women in their thirties and forties trying to conceive using donor-assisted conception.The film was made over a period of four years, and the emotional...
Two donor insemination families talk about the reasons why they have decided to tell their children about their Dl origins.
Asks if men who donate sperm for donor insemination should be discovered by their children. Meets children who are now struggling to come to terms with their identities and donors who explain their feelings...
In two parts: 1) shows techniques fo preparation of fresh, chilled and frozen semen and the use of buffers and extenders preventing damage during the cooling process; 2) examines insemination techniques...
A discussion about the right of women to be inseminated with the sperm of their dead husbands, in light of the case of Diane Blood, who is fighting for the right to have the babyshe and her late husband...
Shows how to administer epidural anaesthesia prior to artificial insemination. Divided into easily assimilated sections dealing with sterility, drawing up of the drug, preparation of the site for injection,...
Professor Malcolm MacNoughton discusses the pertinent issues with Professor Arnold Klopper, Department of Reproductive Endocrinology and Douglas Cusine, Department of Private Law.
Introduces the concept of progeny testing of British Friesian bulls. Successful bulls are used extensively in the sponsor’s artificial insemination service in Britain and semen is exported to many parts of...
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