Synchrotron, The
- Synopsis
- Introduces the synchrotron - a complex machine that produces synchrotron radiation. The video deals in turn with: applications - analysis (medical, DNA/genome project, mining and minerals, forensic science) and manufacturing (nano-technology); basic design - electron gun (thermionic emission), linac (linear accelerator), booster ring (F= evB equation introduced), storage ring, beamlines, experimental workstations; synchrotron radiation - the electromagnetic spectrum, basic properties of synchrotron radiation, comparison with laser light; interaction with materials (theory) - importance of x-rays, three types of x-ray use in a synchrotron, x-ray scattering (elastic - Thompson and inelastic - Compton), diffraction defined, light theory (light as a particle and wave), basis for Bragg’s law; interaction with materials (results) - 2D to 3D puzzle analogy, diffraction patterns (analogy explanation), example: double helix, crystallization, diffuse scattering (small/wide angle scattering).
- Language
- English
- Country
- Australia
- Year of release
- 2004
- Year of production
- 2003
- Uses
- A-level students
- Subjects
- Physics
- Keywords
- X-rays; synchrotrons; radiation
Distribution Formats
- Type
- Format
- Price
- £35.00
- Availability
- Sale
- Duration/Size
- 28 minutes
- Year
- 2004
Production Company
- Name
Video Education Australasia c/o ClickView
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Address
- Suite 125, Jones Bay Wharf
26-32 Pirrama Road
NSW 2009
Australia - Notes
- UK agents: Boulton Hawker. VEA owned by ClickView.
- Name
Boulton-Hawker Films Ltd
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 01449 616 200
- Fax
- 01449 677 600
- Address
- Combs Tannery
IP14 2EN - Notes
- Distributor of over 400 DVDs and videos for use in teaching at GCSE level and above. Particularly strong in science-based subjects which the company used to produce themselves, but now sources from the USA, Canada and Australasia. Titles cover the subject areas of biology, business studies, careers, chemistry, child development & the family, citizenship, design & technology/food technology, English, geography/ecology, home economics, ICT, maths, media studies, PE/sport studies, physics and PSHE. Sale with free preview.
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 321 times.