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  1. Uniforms, Khaki, Troops for the Use Of

    Date released
    9 Sep 1940
    Series name
    Pathe Gazette
    Issue no
    NoS ID
    Story no
    3 / 9
    1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet, 1 shot list

    Various stages in the mass production of army uniforms in a Midlands factory. All the stages for the selection of the cloth, the dying, cutting, to the machining and finishing.

    News on Screen News on Screen Cinema news Cinema news Digitised Documents Digitised Documents Online Online Moving image Moving image
  2. Milling and Machining Center Basics (1995 Multimedia, Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 23 min. PC Windows version only., 2000 video sale: £219.00 (+VAT +p&p) 2001 CD-ROM sale: £212.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Discusses milling and the many variations in machine designs, workpiece movement and tooling. Look at milling operations from the basic knee mill to advanced techniques of modern machining centres, including...

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  3. Nc Machining (1982 Video)

    Ken Wrench
    Ken Wrench
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Betamax, VHS. col. 11 min.

    Demonstrates NC lathes, milling machine and drills. To emphasise the advantage of NC machining tools it includes shots of an automatic lathe, a pegboard lathe and a copy miller.

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  4. Electrical Discharge Machining (1997 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 23 min., 1998 sale: £219.00 (+VAT inc. p&p)

    Explores the capabilities and basic machine sub-systems of the two primary electrical discharge machining (EDM) processes - ram and wire-cut. Shows how this thermal cutting process can produce products such...

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  5. Introduction to Workholding (1996 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 22 min., 1998 sale: £219.00 (+VAT inc. p&p)

    Discusses workholding for machining and turning. Workholding covers any device used to grip and present a workpiece to a cutting tool on a machine tool. Focuses on the principles of workholding and looks at...

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  6. Cutting Tool Geometries (1997 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 27 min., 1998 sale: £219.00 (+VAT inc. p&p)

    Looks at the reasons for using the correct cutting tool for each given metalcutting operation. Shows the several different angles of a cutting edge and how they need to be introduced into a rotating...

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  7. Steel In The Service Of Mankind

    Date released
    Series name
    Report From London
    Issue no
    NoS ID
    Story no
    1 / 1

    COI synopsis: Taking the production of steel for shipbuilding, Hussein Darabaghi talks about the British steel industry. Various examples of industry are seen from foundry to final machining. The film ends...

    News on Screen News on Screen Cinema news Cinema news Record only Record only
  8. Steel In The Service Of Mankind

    Date released
    Series name
    People And Places
    Issue no
    NoS ID
    Story no
    1 / 1

    COI synopsis: Taking the production of steel for shipbuilding, Ali Nour talks about the British steel industry. Various examples of industry are seen from foundry to final machining. The film ends with the...

    News on Screen News on Screen Cinema news Cinema news Record only Record only
  9. Taoiseach at Clothing Factory Centenary

    Date released
    19 Jun 1950
    Series name
    British Movietone News
    Issue no
    NoS ID

    MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: A Taoiseach at Clothing Factory Centenary. SHOTLIST: Various shots of the clothing factory. Costello with government officials visit same. Walk round inspecting. Received in grounds,...

    News on Screen News on Screen Cinema news Cinema news Online Online Moving image Moving image
  10. Mechanical Engineering Production Techniques, Tape 4 (4 Parts) (1989 Video)

    Ken Wrench
    Ken Wrench
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 9, 9, 12, 8 min. Master: 1 C format.

    A series of video programmes on the manufacture of components. The material shows actual (not idealised) practice, giving a realistic impression of both the process and industry. The series assumes no prior...

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