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  1. News Flashes from Everywhere

    Date released
    30 Sep 1937
    Series name
    British Paramount News
    Issue no
    NoS ID
    Story no
    4 / 8
    1 shot list

    Child charities benefit from only castle in North America.

    News on Screen News on Screen Cinema news Cinema news Digitised Documents Digitised Documents To order To order Moving image Moving image
  2. Child Labour (1995 Video)

    Daniel Schechter
    Development studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 26 min., 1999 sale: £30.00 (+VAT inc. p&p) (UK education)

    Investigates child labour in Pakistan, and features 12-year-old activist Iqbal Masih - tragically shot while the film was being completed. Despite the fact that virtually every country has now ratified...

    DVD Find DVD Find Other Other To order To order
  3. Neil Kinnock on child benefit freeze (1988)


    Peter Murphy interviews Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock who feels Margaret Thatcher is cheating mothers by probable planning to freeze child benefit payments for the second year running and not raise them...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Stranger Danger: about safety to kids - nd [1975-1986]

    Stranger Danger is a programme about child safety. Two interviews about the safety of children are conducted in this programme: 1- PC Mike Hampton, a community policeman of the local area, Gosport. He talks...

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  5. Science on Screen

    24 Aug 2016, 10:04
    Ben Hodson
    Post Type
    BUFVC Article

    Dr Chris Willmott, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry at the University of Leicester, explains how teaching staff can put the moving image to work in science education. About the Author: Dr Chris Willmott is...

    Other Other Record only Record only
  6. Michael Meacher fears cuts in child benefit (1984)


    Interview with Labour MP Michael Meacher on child benefit, and Government cutbacks on social security. Male interviewer not identified.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  7. Tax higher-earners to benefit all children (1994)


    Interview with a member of the Social Justice Commission, Professor Ruth Lister, who specialises in the needs of children and believes the only way to offer children all the support they need is to tax child...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  8. Child benefit freeze debate (1988)

    News report; Speech; Parliamentary debate

    Peter Murphy reports on Commons debate following the announcement that as expected child benefit is to be frozen for the second year running. Includes speeches by Social Security Secretary John Moore who...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  9. Timothy Raison on child benefit freeze (1988)


    Interview with Timothy Raison MP on increasing resistance from Conservative backbenchers over plans to freeze child benefit for a second year. Social Security Secretary John Moore is understood to have lost...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. Child benefit increase (1990)

    News report; Parliamentary debate

    Paul Rowley reports on the Commons announcement by Social Security Secretary Tony Newton of an apparent u-turn with an increase of £1 a week in child benefit for the eldest child and speeches responding...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
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