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  1. Parties in the House of Commons, The (1975 Audio)

    Politics & government
    Sale, Audiocassette. 28 min.

    Angus Maude and Brian Walden discuss the nature of political parties.*

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  2. Henry IV. Part 1 (2003 Video)

    Richard Maxwell

    Videorecording of the play performed by the New York City Players directed by Richard Maxwell.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  3. Brian Walden resigns as MP to become TV presenter (1977)


    Interview with Brian Walden on why he has resigned as an MP to become presenter of London Weekend Television’s Weekend World. Male interviewer not identified (poss. Steve Sailah).

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Party Machines and How They Work, The (1975 Audio)

    Politics & government
    Sale, Audiocassette. 28 min.

    Angus Maude and Brian Walden discuss the nature of political parties.*

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  5. John Major on his dithering (1991)


    John Major speaking on LWT TV about how he is not a ditherer but just likes to assess all sides of a story. Copyright LWT. Interviewer (not heard in this clip) is Brian Walden.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  6. David Penhaligon on unions (1979)


    Brian Walden interviews David Penhaligon on workers’ rights and trade unions. (Possibly a recording of a TV interview from Weekend World?).

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  7. Ian Smith interview (1977)


    Brian Walden interviews Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith on London Weekend Television’s Weekend World, on Rhodesian elections; the issue of one man, one vote; on Anglo-US peace proposals.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  8. Reg Prentice on his resignation from Labour (1977)


    Brian Walden interviews MP Reg Prentice on his reasons for leaving the Labour Party. He speaks on Labour’s changes in the left of the party towards a Marxist class war view, the failure of the moderate...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  9. Nigel Lawson explains resignation (1989)


    Extract from Brian Walden’s LWT Weekend World interview with former Chancellor Nigel Lawson following Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s claims on the previous week’s show that she did not know why he...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. Margaret Thatcher on business deals for Britain (1984)


    Brian Walden interviews UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on LWT’s Weekend World programme. She talks about securing business for Britain and about her 1981 tour from Delhi to five countries in the Gulf....

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
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