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  1. DÉmocratie, Democracy (26 Parts) (1998 Video)

    Robert Darnton; Olivier Duhamel
    Yvon Gérault
    French studies; Politics & government
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS (SECAM only). col. 26 x 26 min., 1999 sale: 90F or 13.72 euros each part

    Series exploring aspects of democrary, based on texts by French and American intellectuals.

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  2. Roi Lear, Le (1999 Video)

    aka: King Lear

    Christian Liardet

    A video recording of a production of King Lear directed by Christian Liardet at the Théâtre du Jorat, Mézieres, Switzerland.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  3. Jules Cesar (2001 Television, Video)

    aka: Julius Caesar

    Bernard Vasseur; Claude Lulé

    Video recording of Julius Caesar directed for stage by Claude Lulé and for video by Bernard Vasseur. Role names unknown (5/2008).

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  4. Beaucoup de Bruit pour Rien (2002 Video)

    aka: Much Ado About Nothing

    Mike Roeykens; Jean Hayet

    Video recording of the production of Much Ado About Nothing performed at the Théâtre Royal des Galeries, Brussels and directed by Mike Roeykens for video and by Jean Hayet for stage. Benoit Grimmiaux is...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  5. Coriolan (2006 Video)

    aka: Coriolanus

    Bernard Schmitt
    Daniel Charrier

    Video recording of a live performance of Bernard Schmitt’s production of Coriolanus with Wladimir Yurdanoff in the title role.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order